Grace 242
Grace 242
When High Sodium Content is Good
Title: When High Sodium Content is Good
Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:13-16
Series: Sermon on the Mount
Coinciding with the start of Lent, we are beginning a new series on Jesus' Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapters 5-7.
Jesus, in Matthew 5:13-16, gives us an equation: Salt + Light = Glorified Heavenly Father. In this week we dig into the biblical interpretation of what Jesus means when He likens His followers to Salt and Light. Pastor Bill ends this sermon by riffing on how prone we are to hide our light under a basket rather than living as examples of Jesus in the world.
Please join us in Pastor Bill's challenge to read through the entire sermon, Matthew 5-7, at least once per week. Share your stories and takeaways on our shout out board here: https://t.ly/pvx50