Grace 242

How the Good Life Rolls

Bill Ver Velde

Title: How the Good Life Rolls
Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:3-12
Series: Sermon on the Mount

Coinciding with the start of Lent, we are beginning a new series on Jesus' Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapters 5-7. 

Today we look at the introductory part of Jesus' sermon known as "The Beatitudes." We explore these attitudes that a disciple of Jesus ought to be through three "S"s: 1. The Sense of the word "Blessed" 2. There's a Surprise of those who are blessed. 3. The Significance for disciples of Jesus. 

Please join us in Pastor Bill's challenge to read through the entire sermon, Matthew 5-7, at least once per week. Share your stories and takeaways on our shout out board here: