Grace 242
We don't go to church, we are the church. Listen in on a church plant striving to be the church who make disciples of Jesus.
Grace 242
Crawling Through the Sewage Pipe of Lies
Bill Ver Velde
Series: Learn to Block
Title: Crawling Through the Sewage Pipe of Lies
Scripture Reading: John 8:44
This is our fourth week learning how to block the fiery arrows of the enemy. Today we examine spiritual warfare through John 8:44 to see that the conflict is between the One sent by the Father full of grace and truth and the father of lies. We examine John 8:44 through three Cs.
1. Conflict
2. Combatants
3. Contention
We conclude the message by surveying three practical suggestions for blocking Satan's fiery arrows of lies.
1. Stop consuming news.
2. Carve out distraction-free, screenless time to read a physical book Bible.
3. Meet God in His creation.