Grace 242
We don't go to church, we are the church. Listen in on a church plant striving to be the church who make disciples of Jesus.
Podcasting since 2018 • 253 episodes
Grace 242
Latest Episodes
How to Sell Someone on Poverty
Title: How to Sell Someone on PovertyScripture Reading: Matthew 5:1-12Series: Sermon on the MountCoinciding with the start of Lent, we are beginning a new series on Jesus' Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapt...

How NOT to Trust Your Inner Knowing
To kick off 2025, we are spotting ways in which the DNA of the faith one for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3) is mutated and changed.Title: How NOT to Trust Your Inner KnowingScripture Reading: Isaiah 30:21 ESV...

Surely Nothing is Sure
To kick off 2025, we are spotting ways in which the DNA of the faith one for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3) is mutated and changed.Title: Surely Nothing is SureScripture Reading: Psalm 25:4-5One of the mut...